Hornet Football Players,
Hope you are having a good summer and preparing yourself for the upcoming season. We will start practice on Monday, August 5th. We will have a team meeting at 6:20 am to pass out equipment and then be on the field from 7 am to 9:30 am. We will be back on the field at 6 pm to 7:30 pm. It is vital that you prepare yourself and be in shape when practice starts. We will work out in shorts, t-shirts and helmets for the first 4 days and then be in pads on Friday and Saturday of the first week of workouts.
We will scrimmage Lexington on Friday, August 16th starting at 9 am at Hornet Field. Our second scrimmage will be against Trinity at Trinity High School on Thursday, August 22nd at 6pm. Our first game will be August 30th against Bellville at Bellville High School.
I encourage you to get up to the school, work out and prepare yourself and our team for success this year. It is our goal to uphold the Pride of Hornet Football Tradition and to compete for the District Championship. The recipe for success is your hard work and dedication and belief in one another. This is the only way to be a champion.
Coach Goforth
Head Football Coach
Caldwell Hornets